A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Your Taobao Password: Security, Changes, and Recovery

Recently, some netizens have been asking me about Taobao passwords, such as how to change a Taobao password and the requirements for setting a Taobao password. For overseas users shopping on Taobao, paying attention to account security is crucial. Otherwise, being unable to log in, coupled with language barriers and various other issues, can make it incredibly frustrating and prevent normal shopping activities on Taobao.

So, in today’s article, we’ll discuss issues related to Taobao passwords.

Taobao password requirements

Taobao password requirements

When discussing Taobao password requirements, it’s important to first understand the different types of passwords associated with a Taobao account. Typically, when registering for a Taobao account, you’re required to enter a login password. According to Taobao’s official requirements, this login password must be:

  1. Between 6 to 20 characters in length.
  2. Can only include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation marks (excluding spaces).
  3. Must contain at least two of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation marks.

Like other platforms, Taobao recommends that users change their passwords regularly to prevent them from being leaked or inadvertently obtained by others. The frequency of changing passwords can be determined based on individual needs and security awareness. At the same time, Taobao supports Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), allowing users to enhance the security of their accounts by binding additional authentication methods, such as mobile dynamic passwords, fingerprint recognition, etc.

Taobao payment password

Additionally, we often hear about the Taobao payment password, but many users have not seen an option to set a payment password within Taobao. This is because the Taobao payment password is actually the Alipay payment password. Generally, after registering a Taobao account, you are required to bind it with an Alipay account. However, Alipay’s password requirements are divided into login password and payment password:

  1. The requirement for Alipay’s login password is that it cannot be entirely composed of numbers or letters.
  2. The requirement for Alipay’s payment password is that it must be 6 digits and cannot be a series of repeated or consecutive numbers.

How to change Password on Taobao?

To change or reset your Taobao password, let’s discuss the process across three platforms: desktop website, Taobao APP, and Taobao Lite application.

Changing Password on Taobao Desktop Web

Change Taobao password step one

First, ensure your account is logged in, click on the account ID at the top left corner of the page, and select “账号管理 (Account Management)” from the dropdown menu.

Change Taobao password step two

Then choose “修改 (Modify)” where the arrow in the image points. Follow the prompts to change your password.

Changing Password on the Taobao APP


In the Taobao app, click on “我的淘宝 (My Taobao)” at the bottom right corner.


Then click on “设置 (Settings)” in the top right corner.

Changing Password on the Taobao APP step three

Next, click on “账户与安全 (Account and Security).”

Changing Password on the Taobao APP step four

After that, click on “修改登录密码 (Change Login Password).”

Changing Password on the Taobao APP step five

Enter the new password twice to successfully change your Taobao password.

Changing Password on the Taobao Lite App

Changing the password on the Taobao Lite app is simpler and very similar to changing it on the Taobao app, given that Taobao Lite is a streamlined version of the Taobao app.

You can change the password by following this order: 我的淘宝 (My Taobao) -> Click on the avatar -> 修改淘宝密码 (Change Taobao password). Following these steps will allow you to change your Taobao password.

Forgetting Taobao Password and Retrieving Username

taobao username recovery page

When we forget our Taobao password and click “忘记密码 (Forget Password),” Taobao will ask you to enter your Taobao username. For many users who usually log in with their mobile phone number, it’s been so long since they used their username to log in that they might forget their Taobao username. But don’t worry, Taobao provides a feature to recover your username. You can access this feature through the Taobao recovery page. However, currently, only users who have completed Alipay real-name authentication can retrieve their Taobao usernames.


When using Taobao overseas, it’s crucial to pay attention to the security of your password to avoid unnecessary trouble. After all, for non-native Chinese speakers, language poses a challenge. However, Taobao also offers English customer service support. If you encounter any issues with your Taobao account password, you can also contact Taobao customer service.

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